BCRSP Officers for 2024-26
Suzanne Phelps - President
Colleen Holmes - 1st Vice-President/Membership
Dianne Rister - 2nd Vice-President/Communications
Betty Rabe - Secretary
Frances Maloney- Treasurer
Benefits of Joining the
Texas Retired Teachers Association
Legislative representation and advocacy for improved retirement benefits (annuity increases, health insurance, etc.)
Legislative updates and telephone hot line (click link)
Quarterly TRTA News Bulletin (click link)
Volunteer opportunities
Retirement education/planning programs
Informative and protective services
Community service opportunities
Health care information
Conferences and conventions
Informative publications
Service to local retired teacher units
Fellowship with retired colleagues
Cooperation with other organizations that work with seniors
Please view our unit's video to find out just how important joining TRTA and BSCRP can be to your future health care benefits and your defined benefits plan! Details on how our unit functions and helps our community can be found in the presentation! Click the movie icon to be linked to our YouTube channel. Watch and join!!
BCRSP Committee Chairs
Danny Stribling - Past President
Claire Lillie - Local Parliamentarian
TBD- Local Historian
Danny Stribling- Local Legislative Chair
Jan Batson - Local TRTF Representative
Sheila Fields - Local Retirement Education Chair
Patsy Bolch - Local Volunteer Services Chair
Carolyn Taylor - Local Membership Benefits Chair
Sandy Petty /Mary Ann Gaylord -Local Children's Book Project Chairs
Betty Munion - Local Scholarships Chair
Linda Brown - Local Door Prizes Chair
TBD - Meeting Support Chair