Membership Information
Brazos County Retired School Personnel (BCRSP) is affiliated with the Texas Retired Teacher’s Association (TRTA). Active membership in TRTA is open to any retired public school employee or anyone who supports public education employees. TRTA is the only statewide organization in Texas that works exclusively for retired public school and higher education personnel at the legislative level to maintain or improve benefits to all retirees. TRTA is the largest organization of its kind in the United States.
Current Standing Rules
Click above to view the standing rules for the Texas Retired Teachers Association/ Brazos Country Retired School Personnel Unit
BCRSP is active in our community and our membership volunteers an average of 35,000+ hours each year! Click above to download the form used to record volunteer hours.
Membership Form
BCRSP's memberships fees include $35 for TRTA and $15 for our BCRSP local unit. We also accept donations for our yearly scholarship fund and Children's Book Project when joining. Membership runs from July 1st - June 30th.
Active: TRS (and other states) educational annuitants will become Active Members of BCRSP upon payment of TRTA and BCRSP dues.
Associate: Any other person interested in education and who desires to promote the objectives of TRTA may become an Associate (non-voting) Member.
Click this link to download a membership form.
BCRSP 2024-25 Yearbook
Click the button to open the latest BCRSP yearbook!
Member Benefits
TRTA Membership has advantages!
TRTA offers a lot for a little. In addition to working for you in the Legislature, endorsed benefits and discounts are available to TRTA members.
All TRTA member benefits have been studied, recommended by the TRTA Member Benefits Committee and adopted by the TRTA Board. Whether or not to use a benefit is entirely up to you.